Wheelers and Wobblers Sports & Social Club for people with disabilities
​How to help

If you know anyone who is disabled, who might benefit from membership, do ask them to get in touch.
Helping members in their sport and social activities.
Transporting members to and from the club and other venues.
Introduce a new sport or activity to the group.
Help with our fundraising.

Sport's venues/ events
We offer Boccia, Bowls, Dominoes, Indoor Games, Table Tennis, Pool, Kurling, WiiU Sports, along with board games, fun prize bingo, quizzes, raffles, trips and outings, guest speakers, performers and many more.
Tea and coffee are offered along with a biscuit and we occasionally enjoy a bite to eat.
Sports venues, we have ateam in the Wakefield & District indoor bowlnig league which plays at Thornes Park Stadium, and are always looking for other disabled accessable venues to hold and try out other sports and events such as Denhale Ark Wakefield and John Charles Sports Stadium, Leeds. Always looking for new things to try!
Fundraising idea's
Any help is appreciated as we are self-funded, from indiviuals genorosity of donations, raffle prizes, sponsorship of others raising for us, small buissness sponsorship / donations, grants, charity concerts, your time, bake offs, coffee mornings with donations, if you can think it, you can do it, and we will always appreciate it.
Quick View
It is a challenge for us to find activities that all, or most of, our group can participate in and this occurs the added burden to our volunteers of finding the money to support such a variety of needs.
We are self-funded and try to ease the costs of participating in events by subsidising entry fees, helping towards transport and subsistence costs etc. We encourage integration through activities and run training from our Cluntergate, Horbury Community Centre base.
In general we offer a balanced mix of education, fun and physical activity in a friendly environment to encourage integration and participation of our members.
Every Tuesday, except the 1st Tuesday of each month)
Cluntergate, Horbury Community Centre, 1pm - 3pm.
The 1st Tuesday of each month will be a sports away day, at various venues.
To pay for the facilities there is a small entrance fee. A nominal membership fee is paid annually.